Saturday, November 15, 2008

November and Thankfulness

November isn't only about Thanksgiving for me. November 26th happens to be Daniel's birthday, which every few years actually falls on Turkey Day. This year, his B-day is T-day eve, so we will be partying for a full and consecutive 48 hours. We each benefit from this. Daniel gets two "holidays", and I can go out for pizza on the 26th and then make the big dinner the 27th. Less stress that way. ;-) Life hasn't been entirely fair to Daniel and I, but we have been more blessed than I think any two people deserve. Let me just say that I am thankful for my Daniel. I made a movie about us 4 years ago when I first figured out how to use my movie maker program. Here it is, please enjoy.

BTW: if you're wondering how old Daniel will be this year, he will be the answer to Life, The Universe and Everything.

Google it if you have to.


Amanda said...

Way cute video! I love it. Daniel is VERY lucky to have you too! I'm sure he knows that. Can't wait to see you at Christmas!

P.S. The word I have to type in for the word verification below is imbosal... :( I know it's not spelled the same, but still, I'm a little hurt. ;-)

Harmony said...

I liked the video too I will have to figure out how to put video on too. To Daniel what a cool age to be the answer to life the universe and everything!