November isn't only about Thanksgiving for me. November 26th happens to be Daniel's birthday, which every few years actually falls on Turkey Day. This year, his B-day is T-day eve, so we will be partying for a full and consecutive 48 hours. We each benefit from this. Daniel gets two "holidays", and I can go out for pizza on the 26th and then make the big dinner the 27th. Less stress that way. ;-) Life hasn't been entirely fair to Daniel and I, but we have been more blessed than I think any two people deserve. Let me just say that I am thankful for my Daniel. I made a movie about us 4 years ago when I first figured out how to use my movie maker program. Here it is, please enjoy.
BTW: if you're wondering how old Daniel will be this year, he will be the answer to Life, The Universe and Everything.
Google it if you have to.